Return To Paradise

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Welcome to the Return to Paradise, a transformative celebration that merges the pulsating rhythms of psytrance and techno with the profound journey of personal and collective awakening. At the core of our festival’s ethos is the belief in the power of music, art, and community to catalyze a quantum leap in consciousness. Return to Paradise is not just an event; it’s a movement towards a higher state of awareness, where each beat, each note, and each moment is an invitation to transcend ordinary reality.

Immerse yourself in the heart of Return to Paradise, where the night comes alive with spectacular light shows and fire performances, set against the backdrop of expressive, avant-garde fashion. As performers in intricate costumes light up the darkness, your own attire becomes a beacon of creativity and unity, mirroring the vibrant energy that fills the air. This is where performance art and personal expression collide, igniting the spirit and illuminating the path to self-discovery and collective harmony.

For families and those who cherish the magic of storytelling, our Family Zone offers a cozy outdoor cinema under the stars. Nightly screenings of psychedelic classics create a tapestry of wonder and imagination, fostering a sense of togetherness and enchantment that resonates with all ages.

Seekers of tranquility will find solace in our Sound Healing Workshop, a serene escape that harmonizes body and mind through the ancient vibrations of singing bowls and gongs. This workshop is a sanctuary of peace amidst the festival’s exuberant energy, inviting participants to a profound inner journey.

Elevate your festival experience further with our Daily Yoga and Meditation Workshops. Amidst the natural beauty of the festival grounds, these sessions offer a peaceful retreat, connecting the vibrancy of psychedelic art with the grounding practices of yoga and meditation. It’s an opportunity to align your inner rhythm with the festival’s dynamic energy, fostering mindfulness and movement in perfect harmony.

Join us at Return to Paradise for an unforgettable journey through music, art, and consciousness. Together, let’s awaken to the infinite possibilities within and around us.